Board of Directors
The collective experience and diversity of the Board of Directors is what strengthens and guides ASLF’s mission. If you would like to contact the Board, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page and we will connect you.
John Pobedinsky
Samuel H. Sage
Martha Loew
Vice Chair
Chair – CNY Sierra Club
Treasurer – Greater Syracuse National Organization for Women (NOW)
Dewitt Advisory Conservation Commission
Buffy Quinn
Kevin Bliss
Jim Darlington
Board Member
Associate Professor – Onondaga Community College
Christine Body
Board Member
Naseer Idrisi
Board Member

Dylan Seaver
Executive Director
Dylan Seaver comes to ASLF from SUNY-ESF and brings with him experience in the field of environmental policy, specifically, studying water resource-related issues concerning governance and management. He also has a professional background in forestry, working at Heiberg Memorial Forest in Tully, as well as 5-years of military experience serving in the United States Marine Corps. Dylan is our new Director of Outreach and Administration and is serving as our Interim Executive Director. He is excited to bring a fresh perspective to the organizations mission and goals, while serving the community through ASLF’s programs and projects.

Paul M. Harris
Program Director
In his current role Paul is responsible for new program development, revisioning, partnership-building, strategic planning, development, and publicizing programmatic outcomes. Paul earned his Master of Science in Landscape Architecture degree from the State University of New York College of Environmental Science and Forestry (SUNY-ESF) in 2009, having conducted research on visual landscape quality in Central New York. He is currently working on a second MS degree in Natural Resources and Agroforestry from the University of Missouri. Additionally, Paul has worked for the National Park Service’s Olmsted Center for Landscape Preservation, the USDA Forest Service, and the Milton J. Rubenstein Museum of Science and Technology. He specializes in program design and implementation, visual landscape quality assessment, natural resource planning, agroforestry, urban forestry, survey research, statistical analysis, GIS analysis, technical writing, landscape planning, grant writing, and social entrepreneurship.

Hongbin Gao
Director of Projects/Landscape Designer
Hongbin Gao is a Project Manager and landscape designer at Atlantic States Legal Foundation, Inc. responsible for green infrastructure project management, planning, and design. He manages ASLF’s technical assistance to Onondaga County’s CSO abatement plan with emphasis on its green infrastructure program. Hongbin received his Master of Landscape Architecture from SUNY-ESF. Hongbin received his Master of Horticulture from Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang,Liaoning, China in 1997. Hongbin has worked as an instructor for the Department of Horticulture at Shenyang Agricultural University, Shenyang, China from 2000-2004. He later became a Research Project Assistant/Designer for SUNY-ESF, Syracuse, NY from 2007-2008 and was a visiting instructor from 2009 to 2010.

Samuel Sage
Acting President
Samuel Sage is the founder of ASLF and currently serves as the unpaid Acting President. He holds an A.B. in Chemistry from Cornell University (1965), and was a Candidate of Philosophy, Inorganic Chemistry University of Minnesota (1965-1969). Mr. Sage has worked for over 38 years on environmental issues for different organizations; the last 28 at ASLF. He is also Vice President of the International Fund for China’s Environment. Mr. Sage has extensive experience with water resource issues both from a scientific as well as a policy perspective. He helped develop the major United States laws relating to water resources (especially the Clean Water Act, and the Coastal Zone Management Act). He has been involved in their implementation, and has assisted citizens and local governments at home and abroad in working in these areas. In recent years, Mr. Sage has used his expertise to help interested communities around the world become more sensitive to the need for environmental sanity and sustainable use of their resources. Much of this work uses the lessons learned from work on management of the world’s greatest fresh water source, the United States-Canadian Great Lakes, to further similar goals around the Danube Basin-Black Sea, the Baltic, and Chinese riverine systems, and other major watersheds around the world. Other work by Mr. Sage covers the gamut of contemporary environmental issues including energy, biodiversity conservation, sustainable agriculture, and livable cities. A major component of his current agenda relates to pressing urban issues: green jobs, green infrastructure to control stormwater, and deconstruction of buildings to preserve and recycle their materials and energy.

Dr. Medani P. Bhandari
International Program Director
Dr. Medani P. Bhandari has been working as international program coordinator since 2011. His duties include, but are not limited to, directing international programs and serving as an expert in policy fields including climate change, biodiversity conservation, globalization issues that transcend the nation state, global and environmental governance, sustainability, international organization/relations, global policy and public/social policy, conflict over natural resources, and other issues related to sustainable development and environmental change. Dr. Bhandari is also responsible for exploring relevant funding agencies, preparing research and action plan proposals; and continuing to expand ASLF networks with similarly oriented agencies. Dr. Bhandari represents ASLF to United Nations organizations and the World Bank-Global Environmental Facility, and maintains and expands ASLF’s relationships while exploring the mutual ground of collaborative works in North America, Europe, Asia pacific, Africa and Caribbean.