EPA Environmental Justice Small Grant
Urban Agroforestry for Food Security, Greenspace Access, and Environmental Justice and Equity Benefits
ASLF and its partners will collaborate to plan, design, and install six
agroforestry demonstration projects and a community outreach and
education program focusing on the myriad environmental and social
benefits associated with said practice. Five of the six demonstration
projects will be located in impoverished urban Syracuse neighborhoods
and will take the form of urban food forests. The sixth demonstration
will be installed on a farm owned by the Onondaga Nation and will be
incorporated into its Braiding the Sacred program, which focuses on
preserving Indigenous native food plants for the purpose of building
food sovereignty. Outreach and education will focus on communicating
the benefits of agroforestry and native urban trees as they relate to
stormwater mitigation, air quality improvement, food security,
greenspace access, urban heat island mitigation, urban resilience, and
psycho-social stress relief.
Project Partners:
- Catholic Charities of Onondaga County
- The Onondaga Nation Farm
- Southside TNT
- Syracuse Urban Food Forest Project (SUFFP)
- Syracuse-Onondaga Food Systems Alliance (SOFSA)
- City of Syracuse
Agroforestry Factsheets
Check out these factsheets for more information about agroforestry practices in urban landscapes.
Check out some pictures from our Kwanzaa Garden planting on May 20th!

Follow us on social media to stay updated on the project.